Some books from my library and the ideas I take from it:
Product Management
- Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore, for his definition of the technology adoption model
- The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank, on how to move forward in the era of customer-centric development
- Design d’expĂ©rience utilisateur, Sylvie Daumal, for its mapping of the design thinking cycle and associated tools
- Traction, Gabriel Weinberg, to detail how to find the right acquisition channel for growth
- Growth Hacker Marketing, Ryan Holiday, to define the PM Fit threshold and the growth strategy by retention and optimization of the internal funnel before playing on the acquisition
- Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim, to progress in a market by small, very targeted cluster
- The Cold Start Problem, Andrew Chen, to define acquisition and engagement effects and how to take advantage of them (Growth Loops)
- Professional Product Owner, McGreal et Jocham, to define the work of the product manager in the agile era
- Scrum guide 2020, Ken Schwaber, to provide a framework for generating value through adaptive solutions for complex problems such as tech products
- The Programatic Programmer, Hunt et Thomas, at the origin of the Software Craftmanship (esp. the emergent architecture)
My content
- OKRs in an EBMgt perspective
- Persona card on Google Analytics
- Branding on mobile native apps
- more on my blog
My curation newsletter
Some of my readings
- mind the product
- UX collective
- Growth hacking
- Google Play et Apple Store
- IT4business et